Regular Meeting

Monday, May 06, 2024
Council Chambers & Hybrid
5:30 PM

Budget Books Are Available At:
Palo Alto City Council meetings will be held as “hybrid” meetings with the option to attend by teleconference or in person. To maximize public safety while still maintaining transparency and public access, members of the public can choose to participate from home or attend in person. Information on how the public may observe and participate in the meeting is located at the end of the agenda. Masks are strongly encouraged if attending in person. The meeting will be broadcast on Cable TV Channel 26, live on YouTube, and streamed to Midpen Media Center

Meeting ID: 362 027 238    Phone:1(669)900-6833

Public comments will be accepted both in person and via Zoom for up to three minutes or an amount of time determined by the Chair. All requests to speak will be taken until 5 minutes after the staff’s presentation. Written public comments can be submitted in advance to [email protected] and will be provided to the Council and available for inspection on the City’s website. Please clearly indicate which agenda item you are referencing in your subject line.

PowerPoints, videos, or other media to be presented during public comment are accepted only by email to [email protected] at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Once received, the  Clerk will have them shared at public comment for the specified item. To uphold strong cybersecurity management practices, USB’s or other physical electronic storage devices are not accepted.

Signs and symbolic materials less than 2 feet by 3 feet are permitted provided that: (1) sticks, posts, poles or similar/other type of handle objects are strictly prohibited; (2) the items do not create a facility, fire, or safety hazard; and (3) persons with such items remain seated when displaying them and must not raise the items above shoulder level, obstruct the view or passage of other attendees, or otherwise disturb the business of the meeting.

Listed times are estimates only and are subject to change at any time, including while the meeting is in progress. The Council reserves the right to use more or less time on any item, to change the order of items and/or to continue items to another meeting. Particular items may be heard before or after the time estimated on the agenda. This may occur in order to best manage the time at a meeting or to adapt to the participation of the public.
Interview Candidate for Vacancies on Utilities Advisory Commission. CEQA Status - Not a project.
Appointment of Candidates for Vacancies on the Architectural Review Board, Human Relations Commission, Planning and Transportation Commission, and Public Art Commission. CEQA Status - Not a project. Public Comments, Presentation
Proclamation of May 2024 as Affordable Housing Month
PUBLIC COMMENT (6:00 - 6:30 PM)
Members of the public may speak to any item NOT on the agenda. 1-3 minutes depending on # of speakers. Council reserves the right to limit the duration of Oral Communications period to 30 minutes.

Members of the public may not speak to the item(s).

STUDY SESSION (Item 4: 6:35 - 7:20 PM, Item 5: 7:20 - 8:20 PM)
City Manager Transmittal of the Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets Presentation

Budget Books are Available at:

Bi-Annual Discussion with the Independent Police Auditor Public Comments, Presentation
Items will be voted in one motion unless removed from the calendar by three Council Members.

Approval and Authorization for the City Manager to Execute Purchase Orders with Pre-Qualified Vendors for Electric Distribution Transformers for the Grid Modernization Project (EL-24000) in an Annual Amount up to $4,000,000 through FY 2026, and Increasing the Total Aggregate Not-to-Exceed Purchase Order Amount for FY 2022 through FY 2026 from $10,000,000 to $16,000,000, with all Purchases Subject to Assigned Purchase Order and Availability of Funds; CEQA Status: Exempt under CEQA Guidelines Sections 15302, 15303 and 15183. Consent Questions
Approval of Contracts with the City of Los Altos and Town of Los Altos Hills to Provide Regional Animal Care and Control Services; (CEQA status – not a project.)
Approval of General Service Agreement Contract Number C24189229 with Xerox in an Amount Not to Exceed $382,165 to Lease Printing Equipment for the Print Shop for a Period of Three Years; CEQA Status: Not a Project Consent Questions
Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Interim Parklet Program to July 31, 2024; CEQA Status - Categorically Exempt (Sections 15301 and 15304(e))
LEGISLATIVE: Adoption of an Ordinance Updating Chapter 18.15 (Density Bonus) of Title 18 (Zoning) to Reflect Recent Changes in State Density Bonus Law and Revising Regulations for Provision of On-Site Affordable Rental Units Under the City’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance; Recommended by the Planning and Transportation Commission March 13, 2024. CEQA Status: Exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3).
Policy & Services Committee Recommendation Regarding State and Federal Legislative and Budgetary Updates and Positions on Pending State Legislation
Adoption of a Resolution to Appoint Katherine Murdock of Baker Tilly US, LLP as City Auditor; CEQA status – Not a Project
Approval of Contract Amendment Number 6 to Contract C18171057 with AECOM to increase compensation by $297,206 for a new total not to exceed of $3,894,034 and Extend the Term for Six Months for Additional Studies, Outreach, and Support for Rail Grade Separation Projects along Caltrain Corridor; CEQA status – statutorily exempt under CEQA section 15262 (feasibility and planning study). Consent Questions
ACTION ITEMS (8:45 - 10:00 PM)
Include: Report of Committees/Commissions, Ordinances and Resolutions, Public Hearings, Report of Officials, Unfinished Business and Council Matters.

PUBLIC HEARING / QUASI-JUDICIAL. 800 San Antonio Road [23PLN-00010]: Recommendation on Applicant’s Request for a Rezone from Service Commercial to Planned Community/Planned Home Zoning (PC/PHZ). The Project Includes Construction of 75 Residential Condominium Ownership Units Including 15 Below-Market Rate Units (20% of the Units) in a Five Story Building with Two Levels of Subterranean Parking. A Subdivision Map will be Required. An Addendum to the Previously Certified Environmental Impact Report for the Housing Incentive Program Expansion and 788 San Antonio Mixed Use Project (SCH # 2019090070) was Prepared. Zoning District: CS (Commercial Service). Supplemental Report added, Public Comments, Presentation
STUDY SESSION (10:00 - 11:00 PM)
Review Workforce Recruitment Strategic Plan and Recommendations for Improvements in the Recruitment Processn Presentation
Information reports are provided for informational purposes only to the Council and the public but are not listed for action during this meeting’s agenda.

City of Palo Alto Utilities Residential Electric and Water Utility Customer Survey Results; CEQA status: not a project.
Update on the Deconstruction and Construction Materials Management Ordinance (Ordinance 5472, Palo Alto Municipal Code Title 5, Chapter 5.24); CEQA Status – Not a Project

Standing Committee Meetings this week
    Finance Committee May 7, 2024 

    Finance Committee May 8, 2024  

Public Comment Letters

Schedule of Meetings


Members of the Public may provide public comments to teleconference meetings via email, teleconference, or by phone.
  1. Written public comments may be submitted by email to [email protected].
  2. For in person public comments please complete a speaker request card located on the table at the entrance to the Council Chambers and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item.
  3. Spoken public comments using a computer or smart phone will be accepted through the teleconference meeting. To address the Council, click on the link below to access a Zoom-based meeting. Please read the following instructions carefully.
    • You may download the Zoom client or connect to the meeting in- browser. If using your browser, make sure you are using a current, up-to-date browser: Chrome 30 , Firefox 27 , Microsoft Edge 12 , Safari 7 . Certain functionality may be disabled in older browsers including Internet Explorer. Or download the Zoom application onto your smart phone from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and enter in the Meeting ID below.
    • You may be asked to enter an email address and name. We request that you identify yourself by name as this will be visible online and will be used to notify you that it is your turn to speak.
    • When you wish to speak on an Agenda Item, click on “raise hand.” The Clerk will activate and unmute speakers in turn. Speakers will be notified shortly before they are called to speak.
    • When called, please limit your remarks to the time limit allotted. A timer will be shown on the computer to help keep track of your comments.
  4. Spoken public comments using a phone use the telephone number listed below. When you wish to speak on an agenda item hit *9 on your phone so we know that you wish to speak. You will be asked to provide your first and last name before addressing the Council. You will be advised how long you have to speak. When called please limit your remarks to the agenda item and time limit allotted.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN    Meeting ID: 362-027-238   Phone: 1-669-900-6833

Americans with Disability Act (ADA) It is the policy of the City of Palo Alto to offer its public programs, services and meetings in a manner that is readily accessible to all. Persons with disabilities who require materials in an appropriate alternative format or who require auxiliary aids to access City meetings, programs, or services may contact the City’s ADA Coordinator at (650) 329-2550 (voice) or by emailing [email protected]. Requests for assistance or accommodations must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting, program, or service.